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16/11/2010 - Spain - Meeting of Pastoral and Catechetical Magazines
(ANS – Madrid) – On Saturday 13 November in Madrid there was a meeting for the editors of Pastoral and Catechetical magazines published in Spain. It was organised by the Salesian magazines “Misión Joven” and “Catequistas”. Those taking part dealt with the current situation in this area  starting from a reflection given by Bishop Raúl Berzosa of Oviedo and a member of the Media Commission of the Spanish Bishops’ Conference, who spoke about  “the mission and function of magazines in the Church and in the world of the media nowadays.”

In addition to the directors of the host magazines “Misión Joven” and “Catequistas” among those present were  the directors of others such as “Sinite”, “Sal Terrae”, “Revista de Pastoral Juvenil”, “Actualidad Catequétia”, “Vida Nueva”, “Catequética”, “Alandar”. Also present were those responsible for the magazines “Catequese” and “Catechesi”,  from Brazil and Italy respectively.

Bishop Berzosa reflected on the pastoral and catechetical publications within the current media culture marked by the presence of the new technologies which in their turn are creating a new culture -  cyberculture – and a new readership which presents new challenges to publications. He spoke about the need to  create a “genuine Christian culture” and to develop “an overall editorial plan” to undertake a threefold mission: to inform, to form and to evangelise.

From discussions among those taking part and group work in the afternoon, it was clear that all the publication are seeking ways of being involved in the digital universe. There was appreciation for the formative efforts being made by each publication on behalf of its own readership and the need was recognised  for greater collaboration among the magazines with the exchange of articles and of  authors, and another meeting in the coming year. It was decided to examine the possibility of dealing with some topics together at some particular times.

The Madrid meeting was organised by the Salesian magazines “Misión Joven” and “Catequistas” in the context of the celebrations of the 50° and the 25th anniversaries of the publications aimed at the formation of those involved in pastoral work.

Published 16/11/2010

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