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4/11/2010 - Italy - A publication in honour of Fr Bissoli
(ANS – Turin) – The Institute of Catechetics at the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS) has produced a book in honour of  Fr Cesare Bissoli, biblical scholar, consulter to the Italian Catechetical Office and esteemed master of year after year of catechists. Taking its inspiration from the Letter to the Hebrews (Heb 4,12), the text is entitled “The Word of God is alive and active”.

The book, published in Italian by the Elledici, and edited by Fr Corrado Pastore, from the Institute of Catechetics at the UPS, is a collection of contributions by 22 well-known experts – including 6 bishops – which without having the features of a complete manual of biblical studies, does provide some very useful ideas for the use of biblical studies in the ministry.

The book is divided into four parts: “aspects of the biblical-theological foundation of Scripture in pastoral work; subject matter for pastoral action; aspects connected with communication; application to those to whom it is addressed.”

Among the numerous contributions are to be found those dealing with: the relationship between the Bible and Tradition in pastoral activity; an historical-critical and spiritual reading of the Bible; lights and shades in biblical pastoral and catechetical  work today; the Word of God and audio-visual approaches; the Bible   in art and in catechesis; the formation of a teacher of the bible; the relationship between  young people and the Bible.

In presenting the text, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, archbishop of Genoa and President of the Italian Bishops’ Conference, introduces  the work with an expression of esteem and friendship emphasising the service rendered by the Salesian Fr Bissoli to the whole Italian Church.

The final pages of the book contain a summary written by Fr  Bissoli himself of his  bibliography. In referring to the variety of the topics dealt with in his work in addition to those of a biblical nature – such as the teaching of  religion, youth ministry and  pedagogical issues, the Salesian explains that his work has been “all at the service of the Church of today”. 

Published 04/11/2010

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