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14/10/2010 - Mexico - Annual Pilgrimage to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe
(ANS – Mexico City) – Faithful, catechists, pastoral workers and co-workers together with missionaries, Salesians and Daughters of Mary Help of Christians from the Prelature of the Mixes, Oaxaca, led by Bishop Héctor Guerrero Córdova SDB, celebrated on Sunday 10 October, the Annual Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe.

The event was accompanied by traditional hymns and prayers the music being led by the Band of the Prelature, composed mainly of children and youngsters.

In spite of the fact that this year as a result of the damage caused to the roads during the winter making the journey more difficult than usual the faith of the people overcame any obstacles. Having arrived at the Basilica, Bishop Guerrero Cordóva presided at Mass concelebrated by 28 priests with 2 deacons, in the presence of thousands of the faithful.

During the Mass a religious from the Basilica community welcomed the pilgrims, also in the name of the Archbishop Primate of Mexico, Cardinal Norberto Rivera Cabrera and the Rector of the d Basilica, Mgr Diego Monroy Ponce; afterwards  he gave an image of the Madonna of Guadalupe to the Bishop of the Mixes on behalf of Mgr Diego Monroy Ponce. 

In his homily Bishop Guerrero Cordóva expressed his thanks to all the three communities which make up the Mixes culture, the Chinanteca,  the Zapotecos and the Mixteca, who had come “to thank God like the Samaritan leper in the Gospel” “We have come with joy,” he added, “with love, to the feet of the Most Holy Virgin to say to God, ‘thank you Lord for you have given us life’; ‘thank you because you hold us in your arms, so that with your help we may continue to go ahead’”. A thanksgiving from all the peoples of the Prelature “a thanksgiving of love and a request,” since  the Bishop continued, “we must not come here simply with the joy of feeling ourselves loved without thanking God; we are come to thank God!”

The Bishop concluded recalling the words of the Madonna when she appeared to Juan Diego: “why be afraid, my son, the smallest of my sons? Am I not here, your Mother?” and in this way invited everyone to have complete trust in God.

After Mass the pilgrims continued their festivities with the songs and dances typical of their own different cultures.

Published 14/10/2010

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