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24/8/2010 - Austria - “Fullness of Life” in Mariazell
(ANS – Marizell) - From 13 to 15 August in response to the invitation to the Austrian bishops, young people from Austria have experienced intense days of community and faith sharing at the Marian Shrine of Marizell. A group of youngsters from the Salesian Youth Movement (SYM) also took plart in this initiative under the title “Fullness of Life”.

The young people from the SYM arrived at the shrine after a pilgrimage of 60km; they walked in the company of a group from the archdiocese of Vienna. Upon arrival at Marizeel, a big welcoming feast took place for the more than 600 youngsters gathered there, the feast ended with the concert given by the group “Cardiac Move”.

On Saturday 14, the young people experienced “the Fullness of Life” through the catechesis of the bishops, intense group work, meetings and the vigil at the basilica. Cardinal Christoph Schonborn, archbishop of Vienna, was very grateful for the presence of the young people during these days of sharing, because they are the “youthful face of the church” and also gave a message to the participants: “I wish you to be able to live to the fullest your friendship with Jesus and your belonging to the church”.

For the SYM this has been a good occasion to know the reality of other young people’s associations such as the Catholic Action and let them know more of the SYM as well. Two Salesian bishops were also present at the event: Msgr. Alois Kothgasser, archbishop of Salzburg and Msgr. Ludwig Schwarz, bishop of Linz who came in the company of young people from the diocese.

Published 24/08/2010

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