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23/8/2010 - Austria - Salesians in the “Village of Religions” among the scout
(Austria – Luxemburg) – The Salesians of Don Bosco visited the Scouts International Camp gathered at Luxemburg in Vienna. The scout movement in Austria celebrates this year the first centenary of existence; on this occasion around 7000 scouts coming from 25 countries have gathered in Austria from 2 to 12 August.

“The scout looks for a way to God”, that is what is written in the first paragraph of the book of the Scout. In the camp organised on occasion of the jubilee of the scouts in Austria, an addition was made: “A village of religions” through the motto “enter this place with curiosity and respect”. The organisers of the event have wished to make kids experience the reality of the religious variety present in our planet.

On Wednesday 11 August, the Salesians also arrived in the camp, in order to help the youngsters draw nearer to Don Bosco. Through some games, the Salesians managed to help youngsters discover the values of Don Bosco, joy in sharing games and winning some prizes.

Fr. Franz Hauser, a Salesian who from 1990 accompanies the scouts as spiritual father and guide said, “Don Bosco and the scouts go hand in hand”. The scout regulations resemble the educational objectives of Don Bosco: integral education by means of reason, loving-kindness and religion. Fr. Hauser adds, “The international network of the scout movement is similar to that of the Salesians, I like it very much.”

In the regulations of the scouts is written: “we commit ourselves to the education of the young to make of them citizens who are conscious of their responsibilities; fulfil their duties at home, at work and in society, nourished by faith”. This is undoubtedly a commitment similar to Don Bosco’s motto: “educating young people to become good citizens and good Christians.”

Published 23/08/2010

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