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15/7/2010 - Vatican - Fr Fernando Bascopé Müller has been appointed Bishop
(ANS –Vatican City) – Today, 15 July, the Holy Father Benedict XVI has appointed Fr Fernando Bascopé Müller as Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of El Alto, Bolivia. The new Bishop will be assisting Bishop Jesús Juárez Párraga SDB, bishop of  El Alto since 1994.

Fr Fernando Bascopé Müller was born on 4 April 1962 at Santa Cruz. He made his novitiate in 1981 at Rionegro, Colombia, and took his first vows on 23 January 1982. After studying theology at Cremisan he was ordained priest on 23 September 1991 in Santa Cruz.

In the Province of  Bolivia Fr Bascopé Müller was Rector of the prenovitiate between 1995 and 1998, Rector of the postnovitiate between 2000 and 2005 and Director of Novices since 2009.

He also worked as the one in charge of the Salesian Bulletin, Delegate for Youth Ministry and for Vocations, Delegate for the Salesian Family, Delegate for the spiritual guidance of the Volunteers of Don Bosco (VDB). In recent years he has also collaborated with the Bolivian Bishops’ Conference.

The diocese of El Alto, erected in 1994, covers about 23.000 square kilometres with  1,220,000 inhabitants 75% of them Catholics.

Published 15/07/2010

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