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1/7/2010 - Solomon Islands - Media Seminar
Photo for the article -SOLOMON ISLANDS – MEDIA SEMINAR
(ANS – Honiara) – Yesterday 30 June the annual media seminar at the “Don Bosco Technical Institute” in Honiara began, with a large and enthusiastic group of students taking part.

The course in edu-communication lasts two weeks; 28 participants including two from Auki and Gizo attended with ages ranging from 19-57.

The facilitators are volunteers from Australia teaching the students about print, audio, visual and electronic media.  Jessica Whiting is a volunteer at Catholic Communications specializing in Journalism.

Elmarie Pareezer is volunteering with Don Bosco Technical Institute as Communication and Drama Instructor.   Carol Labbad comes from a Marketing background and is volunteering for the third time in the Solomon Islands. 

The enthusiastic and motivated students began the day by learning about the various types of media and its advantages and disadvantages. The day concluded with the viewing of a highly emotional and inspirational movie called ‘Gifted Hands’ about a committed young man determined to become a surgeon, which the students analyzed with regard to its themes, messages and issues.

Albertina Painap, one of the students who is an Educator from Papua New Guinea, commented that she is extremely happy to be attending the seminar and is “…looking forward to writing newsletter articles and I am also anticipating the challenges involved with filming and getting in front of the camera”.

Gabriel Riotarau another student  said that the media gives people the ability to critically understand the issues for the good of all people.

Karen Seni was delighted at the end of the first day and said she was looking forward to the days ahead.

The seminar continues tomorrow with the program providing an in depth analysis of newspapers including a field trip to “Solomon Star” and “SIBC.”  

 Published 01/07/2010

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