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23/6/2010 - Italy - The SYM Europe “Small Team” at work
Photo for the article -ITALY – THE SYM EUROPE “SMALL TEAM” AT WORK
(ANS – Milan) – Between 18 and 20 June 2010, at the FMA house in via Timavo, Milan, there was a meeting of the European Secretariat of the Salesian Youth Movement. On the agenda were two important items: the General Assembly  of the SYM Europe and World Youth Day 2011.

The group, called the “Small-Team” met for the first time after the elections and the taking up of the new responsibilities last February in Rome. All the members were present: David Viagulasamy (European Coordinator, France), Antonija Klobucar (Croatia), Karolina Kiepas (Poland), Borja Perez (Spain), Michele Zecchin (Italy), Fr Pavol Boka (Slovakia), Sr. M.Angeles Diaz (Spain), Fr Dominic Sequeira and Sr. Runita Borja for the Youth Ministry Department and Sector.

The General Assembly of the SYM Europe will take place in the Salesian house in Péliföldszentkereszt, Hungary  between 26 and 28 November 2010 and will involve about 50 young people, Salesians and FMA from the various European countries. In addition to the discussion, sharing and planning future events, the three days will also include some time devoted to formation in some aspects of  Salesian Youth Spirituality and a personal relationship with God in everyday life. The WYD in Madrid  will also be considered and participation in it by young people from the SYM from various European countries.

The great amount of work in the area of Youth Ministry being undertaken in the Spanish church  by the Salesians in the organisation and management of the many initiatives in preparation for the Madrid WYD was mentioned. There will be a large number of SYM members taking part: over 4000 have already enlisted but  5-6000 are expected,  and it is hoped to be able to put them all up in Salesian centres in Madrid and the neighbouring area. The Spanish Salesians are also making arrangements to be able to host those SYM members who arrive before the week of the WYD itself. The SYM Youth Festival will be held on 17 August at the Atocha centre.

In addition to the working sessions the “Small-Team” were able to enjoy each others company, share moments of spirituality and also visit the city of Milan under the guidance of the Italian  Coordinator Emanuele Bonazzoli.

“With the help of God and under the benevolent gaze of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello,” Michele Zecchin from Italy said, “We are sure that the future of the SYM in Europe, and in all the separate countries will be filled with joy, enthusiasm, personal formation and mutual growth in order “to bring salvation to the young” as our holy Founder always did and has asked us to do.”

Published 23/06/2010

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