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9/6/2010 - Cambodia - Classrooms for the Andaung Cheng Literacy School
(ANS – Battambang) – Bishop Enrique Figaredo Alvargonzález, S.J., Prefect Apostolic of Battambang, blessed the classrooms in the Don Bosco School in Andaung Cheng, a Salesian centre for the teaching of the poorest children in the country.

Monday 7 June was day of celebration and thanksgiving for the Don Bosco School in Andaung Chenhh. In the presence of 250 people teachers and pupils Bishop  Figaredo Alvargonzález blessed the classrooms.
Andaung Cheng is a village of 700 families close to Battambang; where the Don Bosco Literacy School is located. The Salesian presence started out there in 1999 for children of workers in the brick factories and paddy fields. Classes were taught in classrooms under the shade of big trees and a zinc-roofed building. Although access to pubic elementary school is free for all, those in rural areas and the poorest cannot attend because they are overcrowded; only those who can make a financial contribution  are admitted. The lack of education leads to unemployment and child criminal behaviour.

The Salesian school using a non-formal system of education has three main goals: reduce poverty, eradicate illiteracy and education for all.
Classes were taught in classrooms under the shade of big trees and a zinc-roofed building. The Salesians in Cambodia wanting to show their concern and commitment for equal opportunities attracted Salesian friends and kind donors from the Netherlands. They assisted in the construction of a two-storey building of twelve classrooms.

On Monday afternoon after the blessing of the classrooms challenged by the words of the Prefect Apostolic, the teachers met in the afternoon for a 3-hour session to reflect on the rationale of the centre: building a community one person at a time where the child’s journey begins here and now; a journey of excellence.

The Centre’s identity statement was also explained by Fr. Leo Ochoa SDB, “We build the Don Bosco Environment, home and family, wat (temple) and playground, where F.I.S.H is lived and shared, or in other words, F for Friendliness, I for Integrity, S for Solidarity and H for Harmony”.

Published 09/06/2010

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