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21/5/2010 - Spain - The “Los Boscos” Choir on a CD
Photo for the article -SPAIN – THE “LOS BOSCOS” CHOIR ON A CD
(ANS – Logroño) – On Friday 14 May at the Conservatoire of Logroño there was the presentation of a CD of music “The magic of good relationships” and a family guide in which the “Los Boscos” Choir of Logroño collaborated. Present at the ceremony was the Councillor for Social Services,  Sagrario Loza.

The Local Government of La Rioja has been promoting the programme “Good relationships” in order to educate the young to the values of living together in harmony and to be open to society and culture. As part of this it has been providing teaching and play material for infant and primary schools and is helping parents in their difficult task of educating their children.

In this context, the “Los Boscos” Choir in the Bilbao Province (SBI), has helped record a music CD, offering a family guide and a collection of a variety of songs and stories as part of “The magic of good relationships.” The Choir was conducted by Ángel Alsasua, a teacher in the Logroño centre, with Sonia Ramos in charge of choreography Also involved in the educative activities of the Choir are teachers from the Teresa Fernández Institute, Susana Martínez and Isabel Pérez; Nerea Sáez de Urturi, who provides the piano accompaniment, and Rosa Cerro the teacher of singing.

Also present at the presentation were staff from the  various centres. After introducing the “Good relationships” programme and its aims,  Maria Fernanda Gil, also described the origins and the history of the “Los Boscos” Choir and explained the significance of the various songs.

Published 21/05/2010

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