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11/5/2010 - Spain - Web sites take a look at the Preventive System
(ANS – Córdoba) - Some of those responsible for Salesian web sites met in  Cordoba, Spain between  7 and 9 May to reflect on the connection  between the  Preventive System and the Salesian sites. The Councillor for Social Communication Fr  Filiberto González Plasencia chaired the meeting.

In addition to a deep and fruitful reflection on the Preventive System in the context of new technologies, the group sought to identify particular characteristics of the Preventive System in this new setting, working from the assumption that given its successful `transplantation` into many cultures and settings over 150 years, it is both possible and desirable to do similarly in the `digital continent`.

The group was also aware that a similar reflection was going on at the same time in Bilbao, at the 5th Social Communications Day for that Province, and saw this as far more than a coincidence.  The questions which formed the reflection in both instances are questions that have already begun to arise in many Provinces, especially those where webmasters of Salesian sites, often actively involved young lay men or women, are keen to re-interpret Don Bosco`s beliefs and praxis in this new context and are asking for help.

The Córdoba meeting identified the basis of a possible `pattern language` for Salesian websites, has prepared an extensive reflection on the Preventive System and new technologies which will be made more widely available, had a fruitful discussion with DOSA, the Seville Province`s web software enterprise, drew up a range of suggestions for the revision of the Salesian Social Communication System (SSCS) frame of reference, and proposed some concrete steps to take the discussions into a wider forum as each member of the core group returned to his or her Province to begin to involve their webmasters in the same discussion.

Published 11/05/2010

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