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30/4/2010 - Colombia - An historical event, a blessing for Colombia
(ANS – Medellín) – Following its pilgrimage in Ecuador, early in the morning on 28 April Don Bosco’s casket arrived at the “José María Córdova” airport in Rionegro Colombia. Waiting for it  was Fr Vidal Niebles Ordóñez, Provincial of  the Salesians of Colombia-Medellín (COM), Salesians, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, members of the Salesian Family, religious and civic  authorities, representatives of the media, the Colombian Air-force Military Band  and the Mayor of  Rionegro, Dr. Alcides Tobón Echeverri, who gave the keys of the city to Fr Niebles Ordóñez.

After the welcoming ceremony a long procession accompanied the casket to the city of La Ceja. Here thousands of people applauded  the arrival of the saint and afterwards took part in the Mass celebrated in the “Saint Dominic Savio” Institute where Campo Bosco 2010 will be held involving over 300 youngsters from the various houses in the “San Luigi Bertrando” Province of COM.

At midday the casket was taken to the Metropolitan Cathedral of Medellín, where every corner was filled with the faithful. Archbishop Alberto Giraldo Jaramillo of Medellín, presided at Mass during which he spoke of Don Bosco as a gift for the Church and for society, and especially for youth.

At the end of this first day in Colombia, there was a procession from the Cathedral to the Salesian parish of “Our Lady”, where hundreds of people sang in honour of the father and teacher of youth. Fr Niebles Ordóñez presided at Mass concelebrated by the priests of the parish.

Yesterday, Thursday 29 April, all the Institutes in Medellín held a variety of  celebrations - religious, cultural and social – in order to express their own admiration and affection for Don Bosco.

Published 30/04/2010

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