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28/4/2010 - Ireland - Helping the ACRE Project
(ANS – Celbridge) – This month the “ACRE” Project, promoted for the last 15 years by the Salesians in Celbridge, in Co. Kildare has twice made the news: receiving a generous contribution from the AIB Bank and getting the support of a famous Irish gardening expert.

The Salesian ACRE Project involves putting in place a Garden facility for use by the young people of Celbridge and Straffan, and supporting Salesian College in facilitating young people with special educational and pastoral needs.

On Wednesday 14, Niall Hanrahan and Betty Heraghty, officials of the local AIB Bank, handed over to  Fr  Pat Egan a donation of 5.000 € towards the Project. Also present were Michael Leyden, member of the Central Committee; Anna Van Haeften; Anne Taaffe and Michael McCann, PRO for fundraising events. 
The Irish Bank AIB recently donated AIB Awards to 546 local children`s projects throughout the country. Voting for the 2009/2010 AIB Better Ireland Programme closed on 15 March with 602,172 votes received online and by text. This is 100% more votes than was received for the 2008 programme and was a great demonstration of the public`s commitment to supporting their local children’s projects. The awards show a generous commitment by the Irish Bank towards the betterment of the cause of the local Irish youth.
The second recent event involved a Past Pupil Gerry Daly, famous Irish gardening expert and editor of Gardening Ireland, who gave a talk on “Gardening made Better and Easier” in aid of the Salesian Acre Project in Celbridge on Saturday 10 April. His talk was extremely well received. About 180 people attended the event.
You can view more information about this great cause by linking on to YouTube: “ACREProject

 Published 28/04/2010

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