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27/4/2010 - Colombia - The casket of Don Bosco, a letter from the President of the Republic
(ANS – Medellín) – On the occasion of the arrival of Don Bosco’s casket, which is expected tomorrow 28 April at the airport of Rionegro, the President of the Republic of Colombia, Dr Álvaro Uribe Vélez, has sent a letter to Fr Vidal Niebles, Provincial of Colombia-Medellin (COM).

In his letter, the Colombian President speaks of a “deep affection and admiration for Don Bosco” and greets “each and every one of those taking part in the pilgrimage of the casket of  Don Bosco in Colombia.” In addition he declares that the visit of the relics is an opportunity to ask “from the Saint of youth, in his journey in our country, many blessings in order to continue to build a prosperous nation, social cohesion and peace...”.

The visit of the casket has also awakened in the Combian Bishops, as in the civil and military authorities, in priests, in the different Congregations of religious and in lay people great enthusiasm and support which has surprised but overjoyed the Salesians and the whole Salesian Family. Young people in all the centres in the country are waiting to be able to see close up and to venerate Don Bosco’s relics.

In the Medellín Province the casket will begin its travels at La Ceja and then will visit in turn the cities where the Salesians are present; finishing at Ibagué, on 11 May it will then go to the “Saint Peter Claver” Province of Colombia-Bogotá (COB).

It will stay until 24 May when from Cúcuta it will move on to  Venezuela.

Published 27/04/2010

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