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27/4/2010 - RMG - A year into the pilgrimage of Don Bosco’s casket
(ANS – Rome) – The casket with the relic of Don Bosco has already been on pilgrimage for a year. Everywhere it has been welcomed with expressions of faith and joy.

On 25 April 2009, on the occasion of the feast of the Salesian Family in Piedmont and the Val d’Aosta, the casket began its pilgrimage – a journey, according to the wishes of the Rector Major and his Council, for the Salesian world to prepare to celebrate the bi-centenary of Don Bosco’s birth (1815-2015).

Italy, especially the Region of Lazio and Rome, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Bolivia, Perù, Ecuador are the countries which have welcomed the casket in these first twelve months. Everywhere the arrival of the casket has aroused great interest, participation and involvement; even in those places where some doubts had been expressed regarding the difficult logistics or a cool reception.

The arrival of the casket preceded and accompanied by a variety of initiatives has brought together children, young people and adults to welcome Don Bosco, and to learn more about the Piedmontese saint, his Preventive System and his plan for holiness. Civil and Ecclesiastical  Authorities have paid homage to the saint of youth,  and at the same time, recognised the commitment to education and evangelisation  of the Salesian in the cities and countries in which they are working.

Attesting to the appreciation for and especially the spiritual fruits of this idea have been the numerous letters sent to the Rector Major and the experiences reported on the blogs and sites which the Provinces concerned have created for the occasion. The  Salesians too are experiencing the fruits of this spiritual renewal. In a letter of thanks sent to Fr  Chávez, Fr Horacio A. López, the former Provincial of Argentina La Plata writes: “The presence of the relics among us [Salesians] has  made it very clear that Don Bosco is very much alive among us, through us and in us for the benefit of many.”

The journey of the casket is providing an opportunity for different ways of expressing the faith and religious sensitivities to be observed. The various initiatives are all characterised by the joyful participation of the young, by the popular nature of the demonstrations and processions and by the solemnity of the celebrations.

The journey of Don Bosco’s relics, however, is still a long one.

Those responsible for the logistics of the pilgrimage, the Roberto Bertoli Company and Missioni Don Bosco in Turin, have made arrangements for the time being to substitute the large casket which is in need of maintenance with a smaller and lighter one. At later stages, respecting different religious sensitivities, the casket will be replaced by a statue, made by the artist Baldessari, or by a reliquary still to be planned and made. 

Tomorrow the casket will arrive in Colombia and then until the end of October, it will be in Venezuela, the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Porto Rico, Haiti, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, United States and Canada. In many of these countries there are already various initiatives regarding information and preparation of the people.

After the American continent Don Bosco will arrive in Asia. Here too the Provinces of the two Regions – East-Asia - Oceania and South Asia – are already preparing themselves.

It is possible to follow the progress of the casket in a specially prepared section of, on other Provincial sites  or blogs  and on

Published 27/04/2010

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