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19/4/2010 - Ecuador - Thousands of people around the casket of Don Bosco
(ANS – Quito) –Don Bosco’s casket, on pilgrimage in Ecuador between 8 and 29 April, has reached Quito. Here on Thursday 15 April it was honoured by thousands of young people and of the faithful with songs and banners and a great festive atmosphere. The Bishops’ Conference of Ecuador and the Nuncio Apostolic, Archbishop  Giacomo Guido Ottonello, welcomed the casket at the cathedral.

Mass was then celebrated at which Archbishop Raúl Vela Chiriboga of Quito and Primate of Ecuador presided. Among those present were Archbishop Antonio Arregui, President of the Bishops’ Conference Archbishop Giacomo Guido Ottonello, Nuncio Apostolic in Ecuador and all the Bishops Conference together with numerous priests,  religious,  the civic authorities and many of the faithful.

At the end of Mass Francisco Agón a member of Parliament read a formal letter on behalf of the Parliament of Ecuador in recognition of the work undertaken by the Salesian in the country. Pablo Ponce, representing the Mayor of Quito, Augusto Barrera, expressed his thanks and presenting to the Superior of the “Sacred Heart of Jesus” province of Ecuador, Fr Marcelo Farfán, a mark of appreciation for all that the Sons of Don Bosco do in the city.

“Don Bosco is a prophetic memory, because he reminds us of two preferential options without which there is no future for the people: a special love for the young – above all those who are poor, and choosing to work for their education” Fr Farfán said as he thanked the ecclesiastical and civil authorities and the representatives of the Salesian Family gathered in the Cathedral.

In the Ruminahui Sports Centre on Saturday 17 April, the auxiliary bishop of Quito Bishop Rene Coba presided at a Mass attended by thousands of joyful young people. According to the estimate of the organisers, about 12,500 of them shouted out repeatedly: “We know it, we feel it, Don Bosco is here!” At the end of the Mass the youngsters from the Salesian institutes and those from other non-Salesian schools, performed a number of items singing and waving coloured banners.
As in the other cities, also in Quito the faithful had to wait in long lines in order to get near the casket which will stay in Quito until tomorrow Tuesday uitoQu20 April

There are constant updates in the site of the Salesians in Ecuador.

Published 19/04/2010

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