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8/4/2010 - RMG - 8 April: International Day for Gypsies
(ANS – Roma) – International Day for Gypsies which is celebrated today 8 April, highlights the challenges of discrimination and invites people to overcome their prejudices and European authorities to put more effort into overcoming the social exclusion of the largest ethnic minority in the continent.

There are over 10 million gypsies living in Europe who often suffer from discrimination, poverty and social exclusion. In some cases access to basic rights are not ensured such as education, employment, health-care and housing. “It is an unacceptable situation, in face of which we cannot remain indifferent,” declared the President of the Council of Ministers of the European Commission Micheline Calmy-Rey, and the President of the European Parliamentary Assembly, Mevlüt Çavuþoðlu.

The Council of Europe has launched campaign “Dosta!” (Enough!), aimed at making people more aware of the life, culture and language of the gypsies in order to combat prejudice and stereotyping. During the second summit of the European Union on the gypsies being held today and tomorrow in Cordova, Spain, a strong appeal has been made to use Community funds to assist  the socio-economic integration of the gypsies by acting to facilitate essential “access to employment, to a non-segregated education, to housing and adequate health services.”

These communities present in almost all European countries have large numbers as follows: Spain (650,000), Romania (535,000), Turkey and France (both 500,000), Bulgaria (370,000), Hungary (205,000), Greece (200,000), Italy (130,000) and Serbia (108,000mila).

The Salesian Congregation has devoted this year’s Salesian Missions Day to the  educational and evangelising promotion of travelling peoples. “I am with you” is the slogan for all the various initiatives.

In Slovakia the web site of the Košice community, in the Lunik IX district, has opened a information section on the subject. A similar initiative is being promoted by the Salesians in the Czech Republic Province. Every fortnight the Province site is publishing articles about the involvement of the Sons of Don Bosco with the gypsies.

At Kazinckacika, in Hungary, some cultural events are planned for today for the students in the school and hostel. Here, where in October 2008 a vocational training school was opened, the Salesians devote themselves completely  to the education of the local poor children. The school, in which 60% of the students are gypsies provides an experience of gypsies and others living together; sharing studies, games, prayers encourages integration into society. The Salesians in Kazinckacika are now busy planning and building  a church as part of the development of the work of  education and evangelisation.

Published 08/04/2010

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