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1/4/2010 - Ukraine - A University Hostel entrusted to the Salesians
(ANS – Lviv) – Yesterday, 31 March, at Lviv (Leopoli) in the Ukraine a State University Hostel was opened which is to be run by the Salesians. This decision by the local authorities reflects the quality of the educational and social work undertaken by the Sons of Don Bosco with young people in the Provincial  Delegation of the Byzantine-Ukraine Rite.

The Hostel will accommodate young working class university students from the suburbs of Lviv, especially orphans and those most in need.

Present at the blessing and opening ceremony were the Mayor of Lviv, Dr. Andriy Sadovyj, who emphasised the  importance of  “combining the forces” of the State and of the Church in facing social challenges with courage, and thanked the Salesians for their commitment in the educational and social fields.

The Lviv local authority hostel is the second work entrusted to the management of the Salesians of the Provincial  Delegation of the Byzantine-Ukraine Rite in the city.  About a year ago they were given charge of a centre for the homeless.

Such signs of trust and collaboration with Church institutions on the part on public authorities are quite rare in the Ukraine, and for this reason it is even more significant that the Salesians are among the first religious engaged in this extensive area of social action on behalf of the needy and the poor especially the young.

Published 01/04/2010

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