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12/3/2010 - Spain - XV Philosophy and Education Meeting
(ANS – Burgos) – On 9, 10 and 11 March the St John Bosco Higher Institute of Philosophy in Burgos hosted the XV Philosophy and Education Meeting entitled: “Educating in love: showing the face of God.”
This well-attended now traditional event in the city of Burgos was once again an occasion for reflection and discussion, a platform for dialogue between parents, teachers and other people interested in the subject of education.

The topic for 2010, “Educating in love: showing the face of God” was considered in three conferences presenting complementary aspects of the subject, from specific points of view.

On Tuesday 9 the educationalist Santiago Galve, a family consultant and expert in sexual education, using an interactive presentation  dealt with “Educative principles for affective maturity” focusing on the education of adolescents and young people. Fr Mariano Sáez, Vice Provincial of the Salesian Province of Spain-Madrid chaired the session.

The next day, “Human love, sacrament of divine love” was presented by Santiago del Cura, a philosopher and theologian from the Burgos Faculty of Theology. In the chair was Fr Félix Urra Mendía, Provincial of Spain-Bilbao.

On Thursday 11, Fr Antonio Maria Calero, theologian and emeritus professor from the Seville Centre of  Theological Studies spoke on  “The vital unity of the love for God and for the young .” On this occasion the Vice Provincial of the Province of León, Fr Eusebio Martínez Aguado chaired the meeting and then presided at the closing ceremony.
This XV Philosophy and Education Meeting in particularly useful for parents, educators and those young people who are looking at the future with some apprehension as the seek a more profound meaning for their lives.

Published 12/03/2010

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