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9/3/2010 - Spain - Second edition of the “Dictionary of Educational Sciences”
(ANS – Madrid) – Just 3 months after its presentation on 3 December at the “Escuela Superior Don Bosco” in Madrid, the first edition of the “Diccionario de Ciencias de la Educación. Edición española” has sold out.

Edited by Fr José Manuel Prellezo García and published by ”Editorial CCS” in Madrid the book met with the success which was anticipated and a second edition has become immediately necessary.  It has evidently found an appreciative audience pleased with its straightforward and clear style, which while retaining a serious academic approach avoids too technical or difficult terminology.

The arrangement chosen by the editors for the structure of the Dictionary has been appreciated by readers. By avoiding the form of an encyclopedia, which would have made the publication much more complex and voluminous, the Dictionary can be used as a practical and functional aid to research as well as for educational reflection and teaching. The bibliography which accompanied each entry is therefore a valuable resource for further study.

For readers belonging to the Salesian Family, the Dictionary is particularly valuable for the inclusion of such authors as: Don Bosco, F. Cerruti, L. Calonghi, G. Corillo, C. L. Da Silva and V. Sinistrero; and some particular entries such as: Salesians, Assistance, Reason, Religion, Loving Kindness, Educative love, Family, Oratory, Educational Institution, Youth, Youth Movements, Prevention and the Preventive System.

In this second edition there is an important note by the editor Fr Prellezo García: “It has not been considered necessary nor appropriate to introduce changes in the text. From a technical point of view the revision has been limited to the correction of some printing errors.  Only in very few cases was it thought necessary to improve the translation of  certain terminology so as to further clarify the meaning. The observations and the ‘suggestions for use’ in the General Introduction and in the Introduction to the Spanish edition therefore remain valid and indispensable – or at least very useful – in consulting an using this second Spanish edition of the “Dictionary of Educational Sciences.”

Published 09/03/2010

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