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5/3/2010 - Slovakia - The diocesan enquiry regarding Fr Tito Zeman begins
(ANS – Bratislava) – In the afternoon of 26 February in the Assembly Hall of the  Faculty of Theology in Bratislava the solemn public session was held of the opening of the diocesan enquiry in view of the beatification and canonisation of the Servant of God  Fr Tito Zeman (1915 – 1969).

After welcoming those present the Vice-Postulator, the Salesian Fr Jozef Slivoň, read a short biography of Fr Titus and repeated the request for the opening of the diocesan enquiry into the life, virtues and reputation for holiness of the Servant of God.

The Archbishop of Bratislava Stanislav Zvolenský, after having expressed his favourable opinion for the opening of the enquiry presented the decree of appointment of the members of the Tribunal composed of the following: President Delegate  Dr. Jozef Kemp, Promoter of Justice  Fr Milan Čaniga and the Notary Mrs Mária Žebiková who then took the prescribed oath.

This was followed by the appointment and the taking of the oath of the historical experts. The Vice-Postulator presented the list of the witnesses to be interviewed, and the session closed with the solemn Blessing of the Archbishop.

Among those present were the Provincial of the Salesians in Slovakia, Fr Karol Maník, the Vice Provincial of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and also the Provincial  Coordinator of the Salesians-Cooperators. Also present were three sisters of the Servant of God, his nephew Michal Titus Radosinsky and about 150 other invited guests. The event was recorded by TV LUX.

Published 05/03/2010

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