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5/2/2010 - Italy - Don Rua and the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians
(ANS – Rome) - Rome ( Italy ). On the occasion of the death of Blessed Michael Rua (1910-2010),  the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians recalled the first successor of St. John Bosco, with a seminar which was held yesterday, 4 February, in the auditorium of the Generalate of the FMA.

The seminar entitled “Blessed Michael Rua and the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. A style of government faithful to Don Bosco and the signs of the times” was moderated by Sr. Piera Cavaglià Secretary General, and in particular emphasised the contribution made by the first successor of Don Bosco to the development of the Congregation at a time of social and institutional change.   

Those present included Mother Yvonne Reungoat and the General Council, Fr Adriano Bregolin Vicar of the Rector Major, the group of 22 neo-provincials who are in Rome for the formation meeting, many Sisters of the houses dependent on the Mother, those of the Roman Province and members of the Salesian Family.

The meeting was introduced by a greeting from the Mother General who opportunely stressed the event and its significance for the life and history of the Institute.

Contributions were offered by Sr. Grazia Lo Parco FMA, professor of Church History with a report entitled: Don Rua and the FMA Institute: between continuity and innovation; Fr. Francesco Motto SDB, Director of the Salesian Historical Institute with the presentation of The Letters of Don Rua to the FMA; Sr. M. Virginia Colombo FMA, professor of Literature and specialist in Salesian History with The journeys of Don Michael Rua; Sr. Claudia Daretti FMA, Provincial Secretary of Rome (IRO) with Don Rua and the Roman Province of the FMA.

At the conclusion of the round table discussion participants were able to visit the exhibition entitled Don Michael Rua, ‘another` Don Bosco, created by Fr. Francesco Motto and inaugurated on the occasion of the V International Congress of ACSSA on Don Rua.

Published 05/02/2010

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