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4/2/2010 - Ireland - The Irish Salesian Family studies Don Rua, the faithful disciple.
(ANS – Celbridge) – At Celbridge Co. Kildare, about 60 people responded to the local Salesian Community`s invitation to join with them, on 30 January 2010, as they celebrated the life of Fr Michael Rua, the first successor of Don Bosco as Superior of the Congregation.

This was the sixth such annual event the community has run to mark the feast of Don Bosco.

The reflective afternoon included a talk, given by Fr Patrick Egan, on "Don Rua, faithful disciple", tea and coffee, time for reflection and discussion, and followed by Mass and a Buffet Meal.

Those present included Salesians from Celbridge, Maynooth and Warrenstown, Salesian Sisters from Dublin, Don Bosco Past Pupils, leaders from the Youth Services in Bru Crumlin,  benefactors and local people involved closely with fund raising for local Salesian community projects.

In his talk Fr Patrick - who had attended the Beatification of Don Rua in St Peter`s Basilica in 1972 - told of Paul VI`s praise of Don Rua as the faithful disciple, the one who had first encountered Don Bosco in 1845, had been drawn into the Salesian movement, committed himself to it, and grew to be a key figure in it.
Having taken the helm after Don Bosco died in 1888, Rua`s 22 years as Rector Major saw huge development, as well as much suffering, particularly in the question over the Rectors not hearing the confessions of their confreres or pupils, the juridicial separation of the Salesian Sisters from the Salesians, and the unfounded accusations in the press against the Institute in Varazze.

The talk ended with the recitation of the prayer for the canonisation of this humble and courageous life-time follower of Don Bosco.

Published 03/02/2010

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