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1/2/2010 - Argentina - A new phase of Salesian presence
(ANS – San Nicolás de los Arroyos) – The were a number of events marking the feast of Don Bosco at San Nicolás de los Arroyos, Argentina, which the Rector Major of the Salesians, Fr Pascual Chávez Villanueva, is visiting for the official launching of the two Provinces.

The day began with the renewal of religious profession of young Salesians in formation. “The readiness of these young men to renew their commitment in the Church and in the Congregation is a sign of hope,” the Rector Major suggested, recalling that it was thanks to a group of young men that Don Bosco was able to give continuity to the work of the Valdocco Oratory.

This was followed by a meeting with the Salesian in Argentina, who for the most part had come to San Nicolás de los Arroyos precisely to meet the IX successor of Don Bosco. Also present were six Salesian bishops in Argentina Bishop Pozzi, Bishop Laxague, Bishop Romanin, Bishop Radrizzani, Bishop Ronchino and Bishop Melani.

Attention was focused in  a special way on Blessed Michael Rua, the first successor of Don Bosco, the centenary of whose death is being celebrated this year.  He was the one who ensured that the Salesian charism continued and established itself at the most difficult moment in the life of the young Congregation with the death of its Founder. At the same time Fr Chávez spoke about the insights and the innovations Blessed Michael Rua brought to his 22 years as Rector Major.

At the end of the meeting, before the Salesians put some questions to the Rector Major, there was the presentation of the  Spanish version of Fr Braido’s book  “Don Bosco, priest of the young, in the century of freedom,” the result of long process of work by various collaborators. The Rector Major gave a copy of the book to the Salesian Bishops present, to the outgoing Provincials and some of those involved in the production of this edition.

In the early afternoon, thanks to the  production team of Missioni Don Bosco, Fr Chávez was linked by satellite, g to the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians. In a short interview  the IX successor of Don Bosco spoke about his travels in Argentina, the meeting with the young and some aspects of the Salesian charism and holiness. Before the end  the Rector Major greeted his Vicar, Fr Adriano Bregolin, and the young people and others present in the Basilica in Valdocco, ready to begin the Mass for the Feast of Don Bosco.

In the church of the Salesian Institute in Nicolás de los Arroyos there was then a meeting with the Salesian Family, “the fruit of the vitality and the fecundity of the charism of Don Bosco”, as Fr Chávez said. He reminded the more than 400 people present that the re-organisation of the Provinces was an important historic moment, not without its challenges, which needed to be seen, accepted and shared as a family occasion.

The day ended with a Solemn and well-attended Mass celebrated in the courtyard of the Salesian Institute. There were over 1200 people present having come from all over Argentina, despite the fact that in Argentina this is the period of the summer holidays and school camps for youngsters are in progress.

After the Gospel the decrees were read erecting the two new Provinces and appointing the Superiors: that of “Blessed Zephyrinus Namuncurá (ARS) with Fr Angel Fernandez Artime and that of “Blessed Artemides Zatti” with  Fr Manuel Cayo (ARN).

The social and cultural situation of Argentina is different from that of 1875, when the first Salesians arrived, a situation in which “there are new opportunities and new challenges.” The Salesians and with them the Salesian Family in Argentina are at a new stage in their history. Referring to Don Rua, the Rector Major said that today there is a greater need than ever for Salesians who like the first successor of Don Bosco will know how to give to the Congregation a development in vocations, an  extension in area and a seal of holiness.

At the end of the Mass, the Mayor of the city of San Nicolás de los Arroyos, officially greeted the Rector Major. A commemorative plaque was unveiled by  Fr Chávez under the portico of the Institute.

Published 01/02/2010

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