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31/1/2010 - Argentina –The Rector Major meets the SYM

(ANS – San Nicolás de los Arroyos) – In these days the Salesian heart of Argentina is beating in San Nicolás de los Arroyos, to the north of Buenos Aires… and not for the first time!

Some of the Salesians of the first missionary expedition of 1875 after having arrived in Buenos Aires moved to the area of San Nicolás de los Arroyos, and here was established the first Salesian house in America. Don Cagliero who later became Bishop was here; from here the missionaries left for Patagonia after having prayed in front of the picture which Don Bosco had specially painted by Rollini for the church of the Institute.

Yesterday 30 January in the same courtyard over 450 young people members of the Salesian Youth Movement of Argentina welcomed with great joy the IX successor of Don Bosco, Fr Pascual Chávez.

In these days the Salesian centre of San Nicolás de los Arroyos is hosting a series of meetings, events and celebrations, which coinciding with the Feast of Don Bosco, will mark the beginning of the two new Provinces of Argentina, the result of the unification and the reorganisation of the previous five.

The protagonists of the day yesterday were the young people who gathered in the church of the Institute, and in spite of the summer heat listened attentively to the e words of the Rector Major. Referring to incidents in his own life, in the Gospel and in the history of Don Bosco, the Rector Major replied to the questions put to him.

“The Salesian Youth Movement, “ he said in reply to one question, “”should be the place in which living according to the style of the Salesian charism, life plans come to fruition as well as  vocations to the Salesian Family in its various states of life, religious, consecrated and lay,”

Concluding, Fr Chávez gave the young people the message he has written for the Salesian Youth Movement. It contains a strong and serious appeal not,  as in general is happening in culture and as  “politically correct” in some countries,  to consider Jesus one among many spiritual teachers, “He is the only Saviour ,” he finally emphasised.
Among those present at the meeting were a number of Salesians from Argentina, the two new Provincials, Fr Natale Vitali, Councillor for the America South Cone Region, and five Salesian bishops: Bishop Pozzi, Bishop Laxague, Bishop Romanin, Bishop Radrizzani and Bishop Melani.

Afterwards the young people made a short pilgrimage to the Sanctuary in construction of Our Lady of the Rosary in San Nicolás. Here the Rector Major presided at Mass attended by hundreds of young people and the faithful. Accompanying him in addition to the Salesian Bishops mentioned were also Bishop Cardelli, of San Nicolás, and Bishop Ronchino SDB.

In the course of the Mass, ten novices from two Provinces of Argentina and from Uruguay, made their first religious profession. “A good way to start this new phase of the presence of the Salesians in Argentina. It is a sign that God will not fail to supply workers for the harvest and to make vocation ministry a priority.”

On the Feast of Don Bosco at 14.00 (GMT-3) in Argentina, 18.00 (GMT+1) in Italy, the Rector Major will be linked live by satellite on Telepace to greet the young people of the Salesian Youth Movement gathered in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in Valdocco, Turin and with them all the other young people around the world. The broadcast can also be seen in streaming on

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