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15/1/2010 - Spain - The Infanta Elena visits the “Sant’Antonio Abate” Salesian Institute in Valencia
(ANS – Valencia) – On Tuesday 12 January, Donna Elena of Borbone, Infanta of Spain, President of the Social and Cultural Projects of the MAPFRE Foundation paid a visit to the “Fundación Iniciativa Solidaria Ángel Tomás” in Valencia based at the “Sant’Antonio Abate” Salesian Institute.
In the morning the Infanta Elena was welcomed in the courtyard of the Institute by 1650 students with balloons, applause and a bouquet of flowers She was accompanied by Fernando Garrido, Director General of MAPFRE  and Vicente Guarch, Local Director and a Salesian Past Pupil. The Provincial of the Salesians of Valencia, Fr Juan Bosco Sancho and the Vice Provincial  Fr Segundo García welcomed the distinguished guests. The MAPFRE Foundation is about to make a agreement to collaborate with the “Fundación Iniciativa Solidaria Ángel Tomás”.

Fr García spoke about the activities of the Salesian Foundation explaining that “the words ‘prevention,’ ‘education,’ ‘social  inclusion,’ and ‘voluntary service’ are more than theoretical principles, associated with people with impressive histories but are ideas built up by daily efforts for a better future, in a present time marked by doubts, insecurity and fear.”

The Infanta Elena received from the President of the Foundation a book about the 50th anniversary of the Salesian centre as well as a CD and a DVD “Youth Mass” with the voices of the young people.

In his address  Fr Juan Bosco Sancho said that “people in need show each day that  the life of every human being is a gift and they teach us that only when things are  shared are they multiplied, to the benefit of the one who receives and the one who gives” pointing out how the projects of the Foundation would not be possible without the efforts of many volunteers, collaborators and workers at the service of those in need.
“I am sure that this visit will mark a point of departure which with the agreement for collaboration will be strengthened and consolidated year after year,” –Vicente Guarch, on behalf of MAPFRE declared. “I want to thank the Foundation and the whole Salesian centre for the work it does on behalf of those in need, and I assure you that we shall be at your side in the work you are doing here.”

The purpose of the “Fundación Iniciativa Solidaria Ángel Tomás” is the prevention, education and holistic social promotion of boys and girls, teenagers, young people, women, immigrants and families which are living in situations where they are marginalised or at risk of social exclusion and the promotion of social and educational voluntary service.
The Foundation carries out its projects mainly in Valencia, but it also operates in the Region of Murcia, Albacete and Saragozza; it runs two reception centres  for minors and for the integration of immigrants, a family centre, a ’“Family Rest Centre” for the daily support of the sick, workshops for the care of women victims of different kinds of violence, programmes for the promotion and the training of volunteers and work preparation centres.
Published 14/01/2010

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