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15/1/2010 - RMG - Updates on Haiti, two more Salesian dead
(ANS – Roma) – In spite of the difficulty of communicating with Haiti, information has arrived of the death of of Atsime Wilfrid and Vibrun Valsaint, the two young Salesians in formation, in the third year of philosophy, who died when the “Saint Francis of Sales”  Institute of  Philosophy in the  Fleuriot-Tabarre district of Port-au-Prince collapsed.

Knowledge about the current situation of the Salesians in Hailti is still limited and incomplete some two days after the earthquake which devastated the capital. It is still difficult to make direct contact.

The New Rochelle Salesian Mission Office has already begun coordinating the arrangements for the first aid-shipments and is trying to establish direct contact with Haiti.

Fr Calixte Iguintz, from the Gonaives community, has set out for Port-au-Prince to re-establish contact with the other Salesians

The Provincial Economer of the Antilles Province, Bro. Alberto Rodriguez, the Director of the Development Office for Haiti, Bro. Franklin Ortega, are on their way to the capital of Haiti to make an assessment and find news about the situation of the Salesians and their works. The first idea of going by helicopter was dropped since air-space has been closed but the people in the New Rochelle Mission Office are hoping this will change. Otherwise they will use a four-wheel drive vehicle. They have managed to obtain three solar–energy powered satellite  telephones and are trying to establish a communications link to support the organisation of Salesian relief efforts. After obtaining the necessary government authorisation they should be operational by 19 January.

Thank to a telephone called received by chance by Mother Yvonne Reungoat, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians have let it be known that thay are all safe, including a young Sister who as reported had been slightly injured, and they are now doing all they can to help the people and the Saleians in the relief effort.

“Cross International”, on their way to Haiti, have been asked to monitor the situation and requirements of the Salesians.

The “Catholic News Service” and CNN have given information about the work at Port-au-Prince Enam where the collapse of the buildings has buried over 200 pupils and the Salesians. The body of Salesian Brother Hubert Sanon is still under the rubble. The School Secretary Miss Herodianne Thelot is among those missing.

The New Rochelle Salesian Mission Office has already sent a container of rice which is due to arrive by Monday 18 January
Published 15/01/2010

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