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4/1/2010 - Chile - Archbishop Ricardo Ezzati “Person of the Year”
(ANS – Concepción) – On 31 December the Chilean newspaper “El Sur” published the choice of Archbishop Ricardo Ezzati SDB Archbishop of Concepción, as “Person of the Year” in the category “People of this Country.”

According to the paper the number of votes reached an all-time high level of over 66,000 of which 44% were in favour of Archbishop Ezzati. The results were also accompanied and confirmed by a critical analysis  by the journalists of “El Sur” who arrived at the same choice.

During the Mass for the end of the year, having been informed of the result, the Archbishop confided to the faithful: “Full all-round development has to progress by way of the interior development of a person, and today I feel this selection to be a very strong call addressed to me. I believe it indicates a great thirst among people for spirituality; the Bishop has no political nor economic power; but he does have a gift to offer to the people, the gift of the Gospel, the gift of the grace of the Lord, which is part of the culture of the interior life and of spirituality.”

After the thanksgiving, Archbishop Ezzati offered his greetings to everyone, and personally greeted his assistants and addressed the media saying: “It is my hope that the authorities who will be elected in our country will take into account the total welfare of all the people of Chile.”

Published 04/01/2010

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