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5/1/2007 - Croatia - Young pilgrims of trust
Photo for the article -CROATIA - YOUNG PILGRIMS OF TRUST
(ANS - Zagreb: 5 January 2006) - Between 28 December 2006 and 1 January 2007 the capital of Croatia Zagreb hosted over 35,000 young people who were taking part in the 29th "European Youth Gathering" organised by the Taizé Community.
The traditional meeting which this year had the theme "pilgrimage of trust on earth," was begun by Brother Roger in 1978.
The many young people arriving in pilgrimage from various European countries and from other continents were welcomed by different parishes and families in Zagreb and places nearby. The young people praying together in different parts of the city brought in the New Year with prayer and meditation, accompanied by the liturgical chants of Taizé, led by Brothers of the community and inspired by a desire for ecumenism.
The Salesian parish of Mary Help of Christians and the Provincial Centre in Zagreb also offered hospitality to the young people and the Brothers of the Taizé Community. comunica ANS news

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