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24/11/2009 - Hungary - Doctorate “honoris causa” to Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga
(ANS – Budapest) – Yesterday 23 November the “Péter Pázmány” Catholic  University in Budapest awarded a Doctorate “honoris causa” to Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga SDB, Archbishop of Tegucigalpa (Honduras) and President of “Caritas Internationalis”, for his efforts for the safeguarding of human rights.

Present at the event, in addition to the academic authorities were some members of the Hungarian Bishops’ Conference including the Rector Magnificus, Cardinal Péter Erdő, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest and Primate of Hungary.

The academic ceremony began with the introductory lecture by the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University; after which the Rector of the University, Fr György Fodor, officiated at the award of the Doctorate which was followed by the “Lectio magistralis” given by Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga.

In ten points the Cardinal spoke about the importance for a country of a Catholic University. It has the duty of spreading the Gospel in society; of teaching the social doctrine of the Church first of all  making clear that it can be put into practice of transmitting knowledge with the eyes of faith; of communicating the principles of justice and love so that a society might live in peace.

In addition, in his lecture Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga pointed out the duties the Catholic University needed to fulfil so that it  might pursue the path of love and lead its students and staff along the path which leads to God, and to a deeper faith and a firm hope in life. He concluded recalling that the Catholic University needed to firmly believe in a society based on love.

Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga, who had already spent some days in Hungary before the ceremony also met the Salesians in the Provincial community with Fr Van Hecke Albert, Superior of the “Saint King Stephen” Province of Hungary  and the formation community in Budapest.

Published 24/11/2009

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