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18/11/2009 - Italy - Evangelisation and Education at the Don Bosco International Institute in Turin
(ANS – Turin) – On Friday 13 November at the Don Bosco International Institute,  the Turin  section of the Faculty of Theology of the Salesian Pontifical University there was a Seminar on “Evangelisation and Education.”

The second in a series of meetings arranged by the Staff of the Turin section, this event formed part of a research project on youth ministry; the programme makes a contribution to the reflection which the Congregation is undertaking along the lines traced out by the GC26.

Taking part in the Seminar were Staff and students from the two year-course for the licence in pastoral theology. Also present was Fr Fabio Attard, Councillor for Youth Ministry, who had taken part in the first meeting held in June.

The main speaker was Mgr. Piero Coda, President of the Italian Theological Association and Principal of the Institute Theological of the “Sophia” University Institute. He spoke on the subject: “The Gospel and forms of ecclesial witness”, and emphasised the themes of service, dialogue and communion.

In his second talk, which was open to the public and consisted in a presentation of his latest book “God believes in you” Mgr Coda spoke first in a familiar style about his own experience as a student at the Salesian houses of Lanzo Torinese and Valsalice.

According to Mgr Coda the critical issues of contemporary spirituality, such as doubts of faith, the experience of God and the religious crisis of society, can be resolved through the men and women of our days entrusting themselves to Jesus. He concluded his presentation by referring to the relevance of the task of “making oneself all things to all men,” an expression which for Christians and especially for Salesians  remains always valid.

In the evening Fr Attard gave the traditional “Good Night” to the Salesian theological students and spoke about current updates in the Salesian world regarding the challenges and the projects in youth ministry.

This year the Don Bosco International Institute in Turin, also known as the “Crocetta” has 69 Salesians from 17 different countries.

Published 18/11/2009

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