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13/11/2009 - Italy - Educating and evangelising in the school and in vocational training
(ANS – Sassone) - Between 6 and 8 November at the “The Carmel” in Sassone, near Rome,  there was a gathering of those responsible for religious formation in the Salesian Schools and Vocational Training Centres  in Italy. There were about 150 of them present

The meeting, to be followed by others in 2011 and 2013, was something the Salesians in Italy organised drawing their inspiration from the General Council’s Planning Programme for the six year period 2008-2014.

The topic for the three days was ethical-religious formation in schools and training centres. There were two speakers: Fr Pier Fausto Frisoli, Councillor for the Italy-Middle East Region  and Fr Rossano Sala, Rector of the Salesian house in Brescia. Following the talks, those present divided into groups to examine certain themes and to compare experiences and material and to plan for the future.

In spite of the difficulties to be found in and resulting from the organisation of the schools and centres, the  Salesians remain very confident, and the numbers of students demonstrate that the schools and centres and the educational system of  Don Bosco enjoy increasing esteem.

The Rector  Major’s brief to work on a specific project at the service of Europe, giving emphasis to the school and to vocational training gives to this time of study and reflection a particular relevance to build on the commitment of the Salesians to culture and to work, and in this way giving a practical response to the educational emergency.

Published 13/11/2009

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