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12/11/2009 - Azerbaijan - A new Superior for the Salesian mission
(ANS - Baku) – On Sunday 8 November in the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Baku there was the installation of the new Superior of the “missio sui iuris” of Azerbaijan Fr  Vladimír Fekete SDB.

Appointed by Pope  Benedict XVI on 5 November Fr Fekete, former Provincial of the Salesians in Slovakia, takes over from Fr Ján Capla.

Presiding at the Mass for the installation was Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti of Rebellum and Nuncio Apostolic for Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Among those present were the Superior of the Orthodox Church in Baku, civil authorities and many faithful.

Fr Vladimír Fekete, was born at Bratislava in Slovakia on 11 August 1955, and completed  higher education at the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the University of Comenio with a degree in Mathematics and Geology. After making his religious vows as a Salesian in 1975 he was ordained priest in Berlin on 30 January 1983. He continued his studies of Theology  at the University of Vienna and in 1995 obtained the title of “Master” in Theology and them in 1999, at the  Catholic University of Lublin, the Licence in Theology . He was Provincial of Slovakia between 1999 and 2005. After attending a formation course at the Salesian Pontifical University in Rome he became Director of Novices at Poprad.

Published 12/11/2009

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