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3/11/2009 - Italy - Conclusion of the V International ACSSA Congress on Don Rua
(ANS – Turin) – On 1 November, the Solemnity of All Saints the V International ACSSA Congress on Blessed Michael Rua, first successor of Don Bosco came to an end. The Congress held in the Salesian Mother House at Turin Valdocco, had begun on 28 October.

The day began with Mass in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians at which  Fr Stefano Martoglio, Provincial of the Special  Circumscription of the Val d’Aosta-Piedmont presided.

Afterwards there were the last two talks of the 41 during the Congress: Fr Juan Botasso SDB spoke on: “The Salesians and the native peoples of Latin America during the Rectorate of Don Rua”; and Sr Maria Maul, from the High School of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) in Vöcklabruck (Austria), presented some personal accounts by the FMA of Don Rua. Chairing this last session was  Fr Mathew Kapplikunnel SDB a member of the ISS.

The final act of the V International ACSSA Congress was the Assembly of the Association.

The new Presidential Committee of ACSSA elected as its new  President for the next five years (2010-2014) Sr Grazia Loparco, FMA lecturer at the Auxilium in Rome. Fr Stanislaw Zimniak SDB member of the ISS was re-elected as Secretary Treasurer.

Published 3/11/2009

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