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24/1/2007 - United States - The Salesians of Don Bosco Official Consultors to ECOSOC

(ANS - New York: 24 January 2007) - On Monday  22 January the  Salesians of Don Bosco were approved for Consultative Status at the United Nations by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) upon the recommendation of the ECOSOC Committee on NGOs (Non-governmental Organizations).
This follows an application process over the past two years that established that the Salesians can be a valuable partner with the member States in promoting the common good, especially for the young and the poor. This allows the Salesians to serve in a consultative role on issues that come before the UN that touch on our charism and expertise.  
Salesian Missions in New Rochelle, in the person of Fr. Thomas Brennan SDB, is the official representative for the Salesians at the United Nations. He prepared the application and saw it through to the approval. Mr. Miguel Rimarachin, a staff member at the UN, guided and assisted him in the application process and has been the motivating force behind the Salesians` involvement in the UN.
As soon as he received news of this, the Rector Major of the Salesians Fr Pascual Chávez got in touch with  Fr Brennan: "For us it represents a great opportunity to be part of the UN, looking  always - like Don Bosco - to the Glory of God and the salvation of the youngsters.
I think the fact that we were accepted as Salesians is also a success.
Now we have to try to work in a very sinergetic way with the other Congregations also present in the United Nations".
Thanking the Rector Major, Fr Brennan wrote back: "Now the work really begins .".
In this way the Salesians can be the voice of the voiceless and represent the needs of the children and young people, especially the poor, with those who make the decisions and launch projects for international solutions.
The Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) is made up of 54 members appointed for three years and is the consultative body which coordinates the economic and social activities of the United Nations and the various organisations connected to it. Among its roles is that of planning economic development and technical and financial assistance for developing countries; and also the promotion of studies or contacts about economic, social, cultural and health issues. The Economic and Social Council operates through a number of organising committees and four economic committees: for Europe (ECE), Asia and the Far East (ECAFE), Latin America (ECLA) and Africa (ECA).

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