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26/8/2009 - SPAIN - Renewed hope for Salesian life
(ANS – Granada) At Granada, Fr José Miguel Núñez, Regional Councillor for West Europe has recently re-opened the novitiate in the Salesian Our Lady of the Snows community.

Igor, Juan Manuel, Javi, José Manuel, Sergi, Ramón and Fabio are the names of the seven novices who have given life back to the novitiate and work for the needy in Don Bosco`s name.
The month of August has been a period of great expectations for receiving and accompanying of of those beginning their novitiate experience, something of a rebirth in the Iberian peninsula. Each novice arrived with his Province Formation delegate and others who have followed them up during their prenovitiate.

The welcome ceremony led by Fr José Miguel Núñez sealed the readiness of the novices to be disciples and the `clay` to be shaped by the Gospel in a Salesian style. The Regional invited them to live this formation experience with intensity, so as to be able to learn from their model Christ, the Good Shepherd.

They were then accepted into the novitiate with a fraternal embrace from the regional and other formators of the House.
Now it is over to the seven novices. They have to face up to their major commitment and leave room for their human and Christian dimension to grow. It is a year for getting to know Salesian religious life better, and this way being able to give a generous response by offering their life to God and the young.

Published 26/08/09

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