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24/6/2009 - Italy - Feast of the Rector Major: a morning filled with thanksgiving
(ANS – Rome) – It was Fr Alberto Lorenzelli, Provincial of the Special Circumscription of Central Italy (ICC), who opened the proceedings for the feast of the Rector Major as with heartfelt words he welcomed the representatives of the various groups of the Salesian Family gathered today 24 June in the theatre of the parish of Our Lady of Hope in Rome.

In the middle of the Hall was the IX successor of Don Bosco, Fr Pascual Chávez, surrounded by the members of the General Council, by the Provincials of Italy and by those who had just completed their course of formation. Also among those present were Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, archbishop of Tegucigalpa and titular of the church of Our Lady of Hope, Bishop José Angel Divassón Cilveti, Vicar Apostolic of  Puerto Ayacucho, Mother Yvonne Reungoat, Superior General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and a large number of Salesians and young people.

Fr Adriano Bregolin, Vicar of the Rector Major, addressed words of special thanks to Fr Chávez on behalf of the members of the General Council, of the Congregation and of the Salesian Family. Called to take on the role of successor of Don Bosco, Fr Chávez had managed to reflect him in a variety of ways especially in his “word” strong, profound and efficacious. Fr Bregolin recalled how from the beginning of his period in office, through his Circular Letters, the Rector Major had been the champion of unity, the promoter of the Salesian apostolic mission and of a profound rediscovery and re-launching of Consecrated Life. Concluding, in the name of all Salesians and members of teh Salesian Family, Fr Bregolin declared: “Today we are being invited to congratulate the Don Bosco who is in heaven and the ‘Don Bosco’ who is among us.”

“I want to speak to you as Mother Mazzarello used to speak to Don Bosco”, Mother Reungoat said imaginatively as she introduced her short expression of thanks for the support and the teaching which Fr Chávez offers the Institute of the FMA, as he did in a particular way at the Sisters last General Chapter. “We thank you Father,” – the Superior of the FMA said, “for reminding us that we have to lead the young to Christ, and at the same time that it is they who help us on our own journey towards the Lord.”

The young were represented by Michele Zecchin, National Coordinator of the Salesian Youth Movement in Italy.

The next to speak was Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga who, on behalf of the Salesian Cardinals and Bishops gave thanks for Fr Chávez’s constant commitment to his animation of the Salesian Congregation.

The gratutude and thanks became “Eucharist”, at which the Rector Major presided, for the Solemnity of the Birth of St John the Baptist; and a large number fervently participated. The spiritual presence of Don Bosco was re-enforced by the presence of the casket containing a special relic of Don Bosco, which in these days has been in the parish of Our Lady of Hope..

The first thought expressed by Fr Chávez in his homily was that of gratitude to God for having given Don Bosco to the world and to the Church. Then turning to the casket as though speaking to the Father and teacher of youth the Rector Major thanked Don Bosco for all that he had done for poor and needy boys. A Father who knew  how to listen and to recognise the needs of the young and to act with regard to their rights which in those days were not respected by society nor often even by ministers of the church.

The inheritance entrusted to the whole Salesian Family,” – Fr Chávez recalled, “is that of responding to youngsters of today as Don Bosco did to the spoken and unspoken needs of his boys; to defend the young people of today in their fundamental rights, which are often confused within pseudo passing values. The real task for the  “Salesian”, conserated lay is that, above all,of presenting Christ to them so that they meet him personally; Salesian activity cannot be limited to social work, but needs to be, by its very nature, evangelising.

Published 24/06/2009

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