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24/6/2009 - RMG - Two Ccngresses in which to know and celebrate Don Rua
(ANS – Rome) – Preparations are building up for the  V International Congress on the History of the Salesians to be celebrated in Turin between 28 October and 1 November 2009 on the subject “Don Rua, first Successor of Don Bosco.”

Promoted by the Salesian Historians’ Association in collaboration with the Salesian Historical Institute (ACSSA-ISS), the Congress is the result of an idea of the ACSSA Presidency which in the course of a meeting held in  2005, suggested that the V International Congress should be devoted to Blessed Don Michael Rua in his special role as successor.

“With this Congress we want to begin a new historical and critical study of Don Rua focusing especially on his role as following on from Don Bosco whose worthy successor he became,” Fr Stanisław Zimniak, the Coordinator of the ACSSA explains. In this way the V International Congress on the History of the Salesians will introduce the centenary year of the death of Don Rua which will officially open on  31 January 2010.

Following on that idea, the Association succeeded in involving about 50 scholars, religious and lay with whom  it established a work programme. In 2007, thanks to the  collaboration of Bro Giorgio Bonardi SDB, a collection was made, in PDF format, in a DVD, of the letters of Blessed Don Michael Rua, a valuable instrument for the work of the scholars.

Among the lecturers and experts who will be taking part in the days in Turin are  Fr Francis Desramaut, Fr Francesco Motto, Fr Stanisław Wilk, the current Rector of the Catholic University of Lublin, Fr Bogdan Kolar, from the University of Ljubljana, Fr José Manuel Prelezzo, Fr Tadeusz Lewicki and Fr Francesco Casella from the Salesian Pontifical University in Rome (UPS), Fr Michael Mendl from Berkeley, Fr Josip Gregur, music scholar, and  Fr Norbert Wolff, both from Benediktbeuern, Sr Grazia Loparco and Sr Piera Ruffinatto from the Auxilium, Fr Thelian Argeo Corona Cortés, Rector of the Salesian University in Colombia, Fr Giorgio Rossi from the Third Rome University, Fr Juan Bottasso from the Salesian Polytechnic of Ecuador, Mrs Maria Andrea Nicoletti from Argentina.

In the course of the Congress there will be several special events:
• the inauguration of a travelling exhibition on Don Rua, in particular documenting  his  contribution to the spreading and expansion of the Congregation in the world; afterwards the exhibition will travel round Italy to houses of the Salesians and of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians;

  • the showing of a documentary made in collaboration with Missioni Don Bosco in Turin, describing the many journeys Don Rua made in Europe and the Middle East;
  • the presentation of the book “Vie de don Michel Rua, premier successeur de don Bosco” by Fr Francis Desramaut;
  • a concert by the Turin Conservatory of Music;
  • a musical “Andiamo Ragazzi” expanded with some new scenes on Don Rua’s life.

A second appointment planned for 2010 between 29 October and 1 November  at the  “Salesianum” in Rome, will be an International Congress of the Salesian Congregation on “Don Michael Rua in history” to be coordinated by Fr Francesco Motto, Director of the ISS. This event which will officially conclude the celebration of the centenary year of the death of Don Rua, will examine in particular the role played in history by this priest from Turin.

Published 24/06/2009

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