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29/5/2009 - Vatican - The presentation of the “Positio” of Fr Comini
(ANS – Vatican City) – The “Positio” of the Servant of God  Fr Elia Comini, Salesian priest (Calvenzano, 7 May 1910 - Salvaro, 1 October 1944) has been officially deposited with the Chancellery of the Congregation of the Causes of Saints

The “Positio”, the dossier which shows the heroicity of the life and virtues of the Servant of God, is contained in  two large volumes, the first of 590 pages, the second of 1130 pages with 8 tables added.

A long process of work  begun by the Postulator  General Fr Luigi Fiora on 28 March 1992. has in this way come to an end. A few months later he was succeeded in the office of Postulator by Fr Pasquale Liberatore, while Fr Rino Germani continued his role as Vice Postulator. The diocesan enquiry was undertaken by the Curia in Bologna  in the course of  60 sessions between 1995 and 2001, with the examination of 48 witnesses. Conspicuous among these were Fr Angelo Viganò and Fr Giorgio Zanardini.

With the handing over of the Acts to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Fr Germani has completed the enormous work of drawing up the “Positio”, under the guidance of the Relator of the Cause, Fr Cristoforo Bove, O.F.M. Conv. and the Postulator General Fr Enrico dal Covolo.

Even though it is not a Cause involving martyrdom, the most well-known episode in the life of Fr Elia Comini concerns his heroic death. With the Sacred Heart religious Fr Martino Capelli, Fr Elia was arrested by the Nazis, because he was thought to be a “spy” for the partisans. The two refused to be released so as to remain with the other 67 people taken as hostages. “Either you free all of us or no one,” the two priests repeated. Before they were shot, like Bishop Versiglia and Fr Caravario, Fr Elia and Fr Martino heard each other’s confession. Then in a loud voice Fr Elia said the words of absolution for the other hostages. His body was then thrown into the river Reno.

Published 29/05/2009

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