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1/5/2009 - Italy - Don Bosco arrives in “his own district”...
(ANS – Rome) – Yesterday evening 30 April, over a thousand of the faithful outside the Basilica of Don Bosco in Cinecittà, welcomed the casket of the saint of youth.

From children to pensioners, people of all ages and condition who in their own lives have experienced being the subjects of his love and his mission. After fifty years,  Don Bosco has returned to Rome, to the district dedicated to him, one of the largest in the city.

On the steps of the basilica, after the Police Band had finished playing, several people spoke briefly: the Rector of the Salesian community, Fr Gianni Sirca, the Superior of the FMA,  Sr Flora Aldieri, the President of the Province of Rome, Dr. Nicola Zingaretti. These were followed by a Salesian-Cooperator, a Past Pupil and a child representing all those who in various ways wanted to greet the arrival of the Father of youth and to express their thanks. 

The President of the Province, Dr Zingaretti, in his address said: “Don Bosco has arrived, but in fact he has always been here during these fifty years, with his educational work on behalf of the young people of this district  and likewise of the whole Province.”

Afterwards, the casket containing a large relic of Don Bosco was carried into the Basilica where Fr Sirca presided at Mass. During the celebration two Policemen carried to the altar a wreath of flowers a gift and a mark of respect from the city of Rome.

This afternoon the Youth Forum – “Fascinated by a voice” – will begin in which the Rector Major will take part. It will be possible to follow several of the events in these days in streaming and live by television via satellite.

Published 01/05/2009

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