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9/4/2009 - RMG - Introduction to Salesian Missions Day 2010
(ANS – Rome) – With two  letters one from the Rector Major of the Salesians, Fr Pascual Chávez, and the other from the Councillor for the Missions, Fr Vàclav Klement, the theme for the Salesian Missions Day for 2010 has been presented.

The letters, both dated 12 April 2009, the Solemnity of Easter, explain the theme and especially the choice made by the Salesian Congregation: “To speak about Gypsies in Europe means opening one`s eyes to a challenging reality of a population something around 12 million people, belonging to more than 15 ethnic groups who have been around the old Continent for centuries” the Rector Major says in his message.

Salesian Mission commitment for 2010 indicates the attention of the Congregation to the old continent, and in this way begins to give practical expression to the guide-lines traced out by the 26th General Chapter and clarified in the recently approved “Project for Europe.”

The Sons of Don Bosco are already engaged in pastoral work for the Gypsies – and among other things already in operation  or planned,  this includes 3 Salesians who have the role of National Director of Pastoral Care for Gypsies in Slovakia, Italy and Germany.

“Faithful to Don Bosco, our contribution is always offered from an educational perspective, involving the Gypsies themselves so they become proactive in their own human, social and Christian development. Once again we find ourselves faced with an appeal for constructive dialogue between the Preventive System and Human Rights” Fr Chávez writes as he concludes his letter.

On his part Fr Klement, presents the aims of the SMD 2010: to make known the courageous missionary engagement of some Salesian communities in Eastern Europe who have decided to devote themselves totally to the mission among their Gypsy brothers; to create well-organised and far-sighted presences among the Rom; re-enforce collaboration with social institutions; make Salesians around the world aware of the situation; to give rise to new missionary vocations among young Salesians; to contribute to removing many of the age-old prejudices against these people and not least to gather the necessary funds for the various projects in progress or planned.

The Department for the  Missions, with the support of the World Consultative Body for the Missions, is completing the preparation of material for the SMD 2010 - animation, promotion and formation. Among the material is a DVD with some video clips which narrate the stories of some gypsy youngsters. “As an indication of the close collaboration among the three Departments of/for the Salesian Mission, I thank especially the Department for Social Communication, Don Bosco Media – Eurofilm in Turin, VIS-Italy because without the help of their dedicated team-work we would not be able to present you with everything,”  says Fr Klement concluding his letter.

In a video interview available on ANSchannel, in Italian and English, Fr Klement speaks about the reasons behind and the aims of the SMD 2010.

Published 09/04/2009

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