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3/3/2009 - Poland - Being among the young in fidelity to Don Bosco
(ANS - Woźniaków) – On 26 and 27 February in Woźniaków, there was a formation meeting open to the Salesian Rectors and Parish Priests in the “St. Stanislao Kostka” Province of Poland - Warsaw (PLE) on the subject of evangelisation.

Intended to look at one of the key issues of the 26th General Chapter, the meeting provided an opportunity to reflect on the methods of evangelisation and the challenges demanded of Salesians nowadays.

The starting point for discussion and study was the talk by Prof. don Kazimierz Misiaszek SDB, a teacher of Catechetics at the Cardinal Wyszynski University in Warsaw. The speaker pointed out, in the light of the Second Vatican Council, how Don Bosco’s evangelisation activity had left aside the traditional methods of his time and given priority to accompaniment and support on the faith journey of the young.

Helping the process of reflection were two refelective talks by the Provincial Fr Sławomir Łubian, and the Provincial Councillor Fr Rafał Wroniecki. The first recalled how Don Bosco organised his boys into groups – the “Sodalities” – directed towards a practical apostolate among their companions  in order to discover and live the practical nature of the faith. In his turn Fr Wroniecki described the work he is doing in the school at Sokołów Podlaski with a young evangelising movement (SARUEL) and with Renewal in the Spirit.

Thanks to the initial theoretical input, to the exchange of experiences and to Salesian tradition, the Salesian Rectors and Parish Priests were able to confirm how important for an effective evangelisation a renewed and revised active presence among the young would be.

The meeting ended with a talk by the Provincial Economer  Fr Józef Pietrusik.

Published 03/03/2009

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