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18/2/2009 - Italy - A network of prayer for the first “World Day of Social Justice”

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20 February

(ANS – Rome) – The Justice and Peace and Integrity of Creation Commission of the USG and the UISG (Unions respectively of Male and Female Superiors General) on the occasion of the first “World Day of Social Justice,” planned for next Friday 20 February, have called for a day of prayer.

The Commission hopes all consecrated religious throughout the world will not only be aware of this day but join with our brothers and sisters everywhere in prayer on this day for Peace and Justice.

To encourage the initiative the Commission has prepared a formula of prayer drawing on the principles of the Social teaching of the Catholic Church. The text can be used and adapted to different  cultures: art, music and so on.

In presenting the initiative the “Justice and Peace and Integrity of Creation” Commission writes: “we feel the need to make a firm and effective contribution to cause of justice and peace, and to urge our governments to take on their responsibilities in all their international dealings.”

The Commission invites religious to see what their own governments are doing in practical terms  to achieve “a society for all”, as stated in the Resolution creating The World Day of Social Justice. They also promised to promote full employment and decent work, gender equality and access to social well-being and justice for all.

It is to be hoped that this first “World Day of Social Justice” will result in actions, creative ideas and practical steps being taken.

Published 18/02/2009

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