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17/2/2009 - Poland - Generously building for the future
(ANS – Krakow) – Thanks to funding by the Polish Ministry for Foreign Affairs the Salesian Missionary Volunteer Service in Krakow “Youth for the World” has been able to undertake several projects in Africa, putting up  buildings and providing training opportunities. 

At Biharamulo, in northern Tanzania, close to Lake Victoria, some class-rooms for an elementary school have been built. In spite of the difficulties the volunteers met with especially finding the necessary materials, the project was brought to a happy conclusion. The volunteers and the local workforce were kept busy  between August and December  2008 preparing the four fully-furnished and equipped class-rooms. Some training courses were also held for educational coordinators in the area. 

In Zambia, in the Salesian mission at Kabwe, about  150 km from the capital, some months ago a sports complex was set up for the children and youngsters of one of the poorest areas. The work was well supervised by two volunteers. Agnes, a physiotherapist, also organised sporting and recreational activities for the local youngsters which were very well attended. At present this is the only sports  centre in the city.  It has a volley-ball court, two basket-ball courts and a health centre. With these the Salesian centre in Kabwe has new facilities for its pastoral work and to provide the children and youngsters with a better future. 

The third project, carried out thanks to the funding from the  Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs was in the Chimese district of  Mansa, a city 900 km from Lusaka, also in Zambia. Here at the Salesian “Saint Dominic Savio” centre some rooms have been built for a nursery school. In addition to the three fully-furnished rooms and a play-ground, the volunteer have also run training courses for teachers and parents to help them to be more aware of and to combat the HIV/AIDS virus.

The volunteers who took part in these projects have returned to Poland having learned from their experiences and with the joy of having  contributed to bringing  some hope for a better future to so many people.

Published 17/02/2009

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