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21/10/2008 - Ecuador - Meeting of the Youth Ministry Delegates for the Interamerica Region
(ANS – Quito) – Between 12 and 18 October at the Salesian Regional Centre for Ongoing  Formation (CSRFP) in Quito, there was the VI meeting of Youth Ministry Delegates for the Interamerica Region. Among those present were the Delegates from the 14 Provinces and Vice Provinces of the Region, Fr Fabio Attard, Councillor for Youth Ministry and two of his collaborators in the Department: Fr Rafael Borges and Fr Dominic Sequeira.

At the same time, during the first three days there was also a meeting for those responsible for vocations in the Provinces of the Region. This the third meeting for the Region began with a Liturgy of the Word. The work was centred on the study of the letter sent in 2006, by the two respective Departments dealing with collaboration between Youth Ministry and Formation in the matter of vocation promotion. From the reading of the document and in the light of the experiences in the Region, a description was drawn of the aspirantate experience to be implemented in the various Provinces: its nature, purpose, forms and procedures, time-scale and structures. In addition a small team of three was constituted with the task of fostering the vocational dimension of the Region.

The Youth Ministry Delegates in their turn concentrated on the document of the General Chapter 26. From the study of the document 5 priorities emerged:
- the formation of Salesians and lay people in the light of the Salesian pastoral framework and the model proposed at the last meeting at Aparecida;
- to preserve the quality of the animation of Salesian Youth Ministry;
- to strengthen the procedures for evangelisation and catechesis in Salesian YM;
- to consolidate missionary animation right across Salesian YM;
- to make use of social communication right across Salesian YM in the projects of each Province.

On the basis of these priorities the forward planning for Regional Youth Ministry for the next six years was drawn up, indicating guidelines and courses of action.

The meeting ended with Mass at which Fr Fabio Attard presided. During the ceremony the new manual on the Youth Ministry Delegate and his role, and that of other people involved at Province level was handed out. The manual is based on the document. “Salesian Youth Ministry. A basic frame of reference.”

Published 21/10/2008

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