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2/5/2008 - Slovenia - Closure of the XIX International Salesian Youth Games
(ANS – Ljubljana) – With the gold medal ceremony and the handing over of the Flag of the International Games to representatives of Italy where the next Games in 2009 will be held the XIX International Salesian Games finished in Ljubjana on 30 April.

The young athletes, their trainers and some parents who accompanied the various groups were situated in Ljubljana secondary school student-homes, while the sports events took place in different gyms, among them also a military gym and some Salesian facilities.

At the opening ceremony on 27 April, among those present were the Nuncio Apostolic to Slovenia, Archbishop Santos Abril y Castelló, the Minister for Education and Sport Milan Zver and the MEP Ljudmila Novak.

Archbishop Alojzij Uran of Ljubjana, presided at Mass on the closing day in the church of St Joseph. He invited the young people to treasure the experience of living together and echoed the words of St Paul – “Nothing is impossible to those who trust in God” – as he invited them to face up to the situations and the people who might try to stop them or prevent them from developing and growing up properly.

Fr Dominic Sequeira, from the Youth Ministry Department in Rome, spoke at the medal ceremony and reminded the young people  that the most important victory is that of overcoming one’s own selfishness. Most of the prizes went to teams from Belgium, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Germany, Poland, Spain and the Ukraine.

Published 02/05/2008

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