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15/4/2008 - Italy - 30 years of “Up and down the bridges of Venice”
(ANS – Venice) – On Sunday 13 April in Venice there was the 30th “Up and down the bridges of Venice,” a non-competitive walk organised by TGS (Youth Tourism Society) “Eurogroup”. About 10,500 people took part.

The event aimed at involving youngsters, families, schools, sports groups and  amateurs in a pleasant walk across the “calli” of Venice, had the theme of the Rector Major’s Strenna for 2008 “Let us educate with the heart of Don Bosco”.

“Up and Down the Bridges of Venice” was begun in 1975 by the Salesian Fr Dino Berti, who died in September 2000. Over the years it has grown and expanded to include the involvement of folklore groups and bands. Now included among the important annual events of the city “Up and Down the Bridges of Venice” is officially sponsored and supported by public bodies, private firms, businesses and banks.

The day began with Mass in St Mark’s Basilica. This was followed by the gathering in the magnificant Square of folk groups and flags in the presence of the local authorities. After the official flag was raised the procession began and snaked its way in two sections: the main one covering about 10 Km that crossed 45 bridges and a shortened one of about 6 Km that crossed 32. Later in the morning in St Mark’s Square there was a march past by the folk groups.

Introduced this year was the “Short documentary” Competition, organised by the Auser Association of Venice, in collaboration with the TGS “Eurogroup” and CGS Astori Mogliano. In just three minutes those  taking part had to capture on film the joy and excitement that characterises the occasion.

The TGS “Eurogroup” is an association for social development from the “St Mark” Salesian Province of North East Italy (INE), part of the Salesian Youth Movement which is involved in a variety of activities, educational, formative, recreational, inspired by a Christian view of life and of society and following Don Bosco’s educational-pastoral system  in a Salesian style.

Published 15/04/2008

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