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5/11/2007 - India - Tej Prasarini and Unicef organize film-making workshop
(ANS - Mumbai) - A five-day residential workshop on film-making, with a view to tapping into the creativity of Indian youngsters, has been organised jointly by Tej Prasarini, Mumbai Province`s Media Centre, and UNICEF.

The workshop took place from October 27-31 and featured as main presenter Ms. Karen Cirillo, Executive Producer of Children`s Broadcasting Initiatives of the communications division of UNICEF.  The workshop was sponsored by the Dubai International Film Festival.  Some 20 students from various schools in Mumbai took part in the workshop and were taught the basic techniques of film-making. Other invitees to the workshop included some Bollywood personalities.

Films produced at the workshop - brief, one-minute films - will be screened at the Dubai International Film Festival in December.  The theme of each short film is `Daily Life in Dreams`.  The budding young film-makers included two former street children who are now with Shelter Don Bosco, Mumbai.  Rashid’s dream is of a better life with the help of film: "My film will be based on orphans and their lives.  In the future I would like to pursue a career in animated films, 16 year-old Rashid, said.

The director of Tej Prasarini, Fr Joaquim Fernandes, indicated that he had tried to gather students from all kinds of backgrounds: "While there are students from Shelter, we also have students from some high-end Mumbai schools.  In addition to film-making they will also learn to intneract with each other".

Published 05/11/2007

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