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5/9/2007 - Sri Lanka - Child soldiers still an open wound
(ANS – Colombo) – The numbers of child soldiers recruited by LTTE, the rebel group of the Tamil Tigers in the north of Sri Lanka continue to grow. According to reports by the Asianews Agency, the Minister for Tamil Social Services, Douglas Devanada raised the alarm. Some credible sources state that Tamil Tigers aim at recruiting about 60,000 youngsters in the north of the country.

The use of child soldiers is a plague that has  afflicted Sri Lanka for years, in the course of a civil war that has dragged on for over twenty years and seen government forces opposed by Tamil rebel separatists. The tragic nature of the situation can also been seen from the falling number of children at school. Many children don’t go to school to avoid leaving their homes and falling into the hands of the rebel army.

The Salesian missions in Sri Lanka date from the late ’80s, when a rehabilitation centre was opened in Colombo. At first it catered for child victims of pedophilia and children “at risk” who were taken off the streets.

In recent years, at the request of the government, the Salesians have begun looking after child soldiers. Various centres were opened for this purpose throughout the country and youngsters completely rehabilitated now number a score or so. These are adolescents over sixteen years of age now but recruited as soldiers when they were ten. The youngsters cared for in the Salesian  centres learn  a trade so as to be able to take their rightful place and live a “normal” life .

However, it is very hard work. Many youngsters fail to finish the recovery programme and are forced to return to the army in order to protect their families who would otherwise be victims of reprisals by the rebels. The only way for them to escape from this situation is to move to another part of the country which in itself is often very difficult.

Published 05/09/2007

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