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18/7/2007 - Sudan - First Anniversary of Don Bosco Network operation
(ANS - Khartoum) - Precisely a year ago, on July 15, 2006, the Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo (VIS) team arrived in Khartoum to set up the VIS Country Office, which is now the coordinating agency for the Don Bosco Network (DBN) Sudan Programme. The team was made up of three members: Alberto Andretta (VIS Desk Officer for Sudan), Andrea Naletto (VIS Sudan Country Director) and Savio Silveira sdb (International Development Consultant). They had a three fold mission namely, to set up the VIS Country Office, to draw up the DBN Country Strategy Paper for Sudan, and to launch the Sudan Programme.

One year down the road, 5 VIS international staffs are on the ground across Sudan implementing projects in 5 different locations (Khartoum, El Obeid, Wau, Tonj e Niala), reaching out to the Sudanese people, especially the youth, the poorest and most marginalized ones. From offering job-oriented vocational training to youth from the refugee camps in Khartoum and Darfur, to improving access to schooling for returnee communities in Southern Sudan, to the empowerment of women through livelihood skills training, DBN-VIS - together with its primary partner the Salesians of Don Bosco - are giving concrete hopes for a brighter future to thousands of Sudanese people.

The DBN Sudan Country Programme is entitled: Reviving Education, Rebuilding Sudan. The challenges ahead of us in implementing this programme are enormous, yet we stand undeterred in our resolve of empowering the Sudanese people to rebuild their own country, torn by civil war for half a century. 

Published 18/07/2007

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